
Dragon Age Fans Have Gotten Good At Living On Crumbs

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Life as a Dragon Age fan is hard sometimes, but necessary. Today on Twitter, BioWare wrote that it won’t be showing off anything from Dragon Age or Mass Effect during the EA Play event later this month.


This is good, truly. (She says through gritted teeth, tears in her eyes.) I want this game to be good, and being good means coming out when it’s damn well ready. I don’t want to put any pressure on the dev team, and I certainly don’t want them to crunch in order to show off some minor bit or bob for a marketing showcase.



It’s been six years since Dragon Age: Inquisition—a game that, while critically successful, was plagued with harmful crunch brought on by decisions made late in the game’s development. Earlier in development, for whatever Inquisition’s successor would become, BioWare didn’t want to go through that crunch experience again. But in the rise (and later fall) of EA’s commitment to “live service games, damn the consequences,” Dragon Age 4 was rebooted and rebooted again—going from a narrative focused game, to a live service game, then back to a single player game.


Source: Kotaku

Alex is the polyglot of our team. He is passionate of crypto, investments and he's working with german and romanian communities.